April 19-20th, 2016, Connect EXPO, the Australia’s fastest growing business technology event, which consists of a large scale tradeshow with themed technology zones combined with a multi-streamed conference program, was open up at Melbourne Exhibition Centre, Australia.
Connect EXPO is backed by the Victorian Government and the world's leading tech companies, which runs together with ten business summits - including the Internet of Things and Smart Cities Australia- designed for business people to understand how the convergence of a number of technology megatrends are creating a perfect storm of disruption which will impact the way we live and do business.
LAUNCH displayed the golo series including goloX, golo5 and golo CarCare, and showed how it can bring solutions to telematics industry in automotive aftermarket. Besides, demonstrated an operating golo with the ability to do remote diagnostics, tracking, e-fencing, hotspot and the ability to send live vehicle warning notifications from service scheduling to diagnostic fault data. Most attendees were very impressed with the functionality of the golo system and they were to look at ways to interact the golo into the platform they currently use. People from different industries, especially fleet management are attracted by what golo series can offer. Some of them even immediately purchased the samples for testing.
The exhibition showed not only the golo, but also LAUNCH’s R & D strength. Through the face to face communication with customers, we had further understanding about the local market, which will be much helpful for us to improve in the near future.